Best Sniper Scope Buying Guide – Best Long Range Sniper Scopes

If you own a rifle, you are always looking for the best ways to improve your accuracy. In most cases when you outgrow shooting short or medium range targets you want to take on targets more than 900 yards away.

Choosing the right sniper scope is a great way to start your journey to becoming the best sharpshooter. Mastering long range sniper scopes is a gateway to successful marksmanship. It also takes a significant amount of time in target practice to get to the top of your game.

There are many skills you need to learn or improve in order to take on targets 1000 yards away with lethal precision. However, you can not learn all these skills without the best sniper scope or any of the long range sniper scopes.

Since sniper scope plays a central role in defining the snipping learning curve, let’s focus on choosing the best sniper scope available in the market for your target practice or hunting.

Qualities of the Best Sniper Scopes

I presume if you are looking for the best sniper scope in the market. You are probably planning to improve tactical shooting skills for sports competition or you want to go out hunting.

When you are shopping for the long range scopes you will realize that they do not come cheap. Although they are expensive you can expect the best results and improved accuracy.

Leupold Waterproof VX-6 7-42x56mm Side Focus Rifle Scope Matte Black

It’s worth spending a little more money on the sniper scope since the accuracy is guaranteed. But before you can spend your cash on any of the long range scopes, let me outline what you should look for in the best long range scopes.

Sniper Scope Lenses

If there is any feature you should focus on when you are choosing a good long range scope it should be the lenses. The lenses should be of high quality and should present you with a crystal clear focus.

You should easily pick up wind indicators such as the trees and flags blowing without struggle since the picture is clear.

The clarity should be both in the low and high magnification. The light transmission in the sniper scope plays the important role in determining the quality of the picture.Best Sniper Scope Buying Guide – Best Long Range Sniper Scopes

The quality of the glass used in making the sniper scopes lenses should provide the maximum light transmission for effective display of clear picture at the zoom level of up to x50.

Body of the Scope

A good long range riflescope should be made high quality, durable material. It should be capable of withstanding harsh climatic conditions like the water, freezing, and fog.Best Sniper Scope Buying Guide – Best Long Range Sniper Scopes

In most cases, the best long range sniper scopes body is made of the aircraft grade aluminum that has all the desirable qualities.

It is important to also pay close attention to the design of the sniper scope body.  Its highly recommended the body it should be the single piece aluminum tube. For all the high-end scopes, the single piece body tube is a standard.

Sniper Scope Reticle

The reticle is a valuable feature in a scope for long range shooting. The recticles come in all manner of marks but ideally, the best long range scope should have well-marked hash marks or single dots.

Best Sniper Scope Buying Guide – Best Long Range Sniper Scopes

These marks should be well calibrated in the vertical and horizontal axis. They should be either MIL or MOA measurements.

Sniper Scope Adjustment Ranges

A good long range scope should be easy to adjust the turrets quickly in between shooting. It’s more important for elevation adjustments but not the windage. The design of the turrets should be in such a way that elevation adjustment is done fast and easily.Best Sniper Scope Buying Guide – Best Long Range Sniper Scopes

Like when shooting 308 caliber you need fast adjustments since the relatively heavy 308 caliber bullet can drop to more 50 inches when shooting at 500 yards.

Long range shooting for 1000 yards you need to good elevation adjustments for an accurate hit. You may also want to read the best rifle scope for 308.

Magnification Power of Sniper Scope

Magnification power is the most important quality you should look for in a long range scope. If you have a sniper scope with up to X50 magnification, you can take on targets in long distances.

A high magnification will guarantee you to see the target clearly and you can shoot successfully. If you are shooting in dim light location a high-quality scope with a minimum exit pupil of 6mm you can greatly improve your shooting accuracy.

You may want to check out the best long range sniper scope : [easyazon_link identifier=”B00M54IK7Y” locale=”US” nf=”y” tag=”riflescopex-20″ cart=”y” cloak=”y” localize=”y” popups=”y”]Leupold Waterproof VX-6 7-42x56mm Side Focus Rifle Scope Matte Black.[/easyazon_link]